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HK Govt Hikes Min. Wage for Foreign Domestic Helpers by 2.5% to $4,990
The HK Government announced that the Minimum Allowable Wage (MAW) for foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) in Hong Kong will be increased by 2.5%, from $4,870 to $4,990 per month.

In addition, under the Standard Employment Contract for hiring FDHs, employers are required to provide FDHs with food free of charge. At present, the vast majority of employers provide free food to FDHs. Employers may, however, choose to pay a food allowance in lieu. The food allowance will remain at not less than $1,236 per month.

The new level of MAW will apply to FDH contracts signed on or after tomorrow (September 28). FDH contracts signed today or before at the existing MAW of $4,870 per month will still be processed by the Immigration Department (ImmD), provided that the applications reach the ImmD on or before October 25.
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